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14 Indoor Plants That Like Direct Sunlight

Indoor plants are a fantastic way to bring a touch of nature into your home, improving air quality and adding a sense of tranquility. While many indoor plants thrive in low-light conditions, there are also several that love basking in direct sunlight. These sun-loving plants can brighten up any room and are often easier to care for since they flourish with abundant natural light. Whether you’re an experienced plant parent or just starting your indoor garden, here are 14 resilient and beautiful indoor plants that thrive in direct sunlight.

14 Indoor Plants That Like Direct Sunlight

1.Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera​

 It is suited for both outdoor and indoor environments. It is a low-maintenance plant known for its medicinal properties, highly used for skincare and burns. Aloe Vera can also improve air quality by removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene.

    • Light: Full sunlight.
    • Water: Low, average.
    • Maintenance: Low.

2. Snake Plant:

Snake Plant

Snake plant is adaptable for both indoor and outdoor environments. It requires minimal care. People say it is an “impossible to kill” plant, making it perfect for those who are too busy to provide care to plants. It also helps improve indoor air quality by converting CO2 into oxygen at night.

    • Light: Full sunlight, shade condition.
    • Water: Low.
    • Maintenance: Low.

3. Burro's Tail

Burro's Tail​

Also known as donkey’s tail, it is a small plant with blue-green, small-shaped leaves that remain clustered around the stem. It is an ideal plant for hanging baskets, requiring low maintenance and less water. Burro’s tail is sensitive to touch and can drop leaves if handled too much.

    • Light: Full sunlight to indirect light.
    • Water: Low.
    • Maintenance: Low.

4. Zebra Plant

Zebra Plant

A popular succulent with thick, dark green leaves with white horizontal lines, making it more attractive. Generally, it requires bright indirect light but can tolerate sunlight. It requires minimal water and well-drained soil. Sometimes the leaves can turn white or yellow due to excess direct sunlight. When this happens, the plant should be moved. It is also known to bloom under the right conditions, producing small, white flowers.

    • Light: Indirect light or direct sun.
    • Water: Low.
    • Maintenance: Low.

5. Peace Lily

Peace Lily

It is a stunning and easy-to-grow indoor plant with nice foliage and beautiful white flowers. It requires bright and indirect light. Peace lilies are known for their air-purifying qualities, removing toxins like ammonia, benzene, and formaldehyde from the air.

    • Light: Bright or indirect light.
    • Water: Medium.
    • Maintenance: Low.

6. Sago Palm

Sago Palm

The sago cycad looks like a palm but is not a palm plant. The similarity between the sago palm and other palms is that they look the same and produce seeds. They can take full sun, but when planted outdoors, they will need some partial shade to prevent leaf burn. It’s important to note that all parts of the sago palm are toxic if ingested.

    • Light: Bright sunlight to partial shade.
    • Water: Moderate watering.
    • Maintenance: Low.

7. Rubber Plant

Rubber Plant

A popular indoor plant that grows tall, up to 3m. It has thick, dark green leaves and requires bright, indirect light. It also works as an air purifier. Rubber plants prefer a humid environment, so occasional misting can help keep them healthy.

    • Light: Bright indirect light.
    • Water: Moderate.
    • Maintenance: Low.

8. Croton


Croton is colorful due to its variously colored leaves—yellow, red, green, and orange, often mixed in one leaf. However, croton is poisonous. All parts of the croton plant are poisonous if ingested, so caution is necessary. Crotons thrive in a humid environment and benefit from occasional misting to keep their leaves vibrant.

    • Light: Bright, indirect light.
    • Water: Average.
    • Maintenance: Low.

9. Areca Palm

Areca Palm

Also known as butterfly palm or party palm, it is a tropical plant with long, feathery, green fronds. It is easy to maintain and acts as an air purifier by removing formaldehyde and acetone from the air. Areca palms can also help increase humidity levels indoors, which can be beneficial for skin and respiratory health.

    • Light: Bright, indirect light.
    • Water: Medium.
    • Maintenance: Low.

10. Basil


 A perfect indoor plant for the kitchen, with green leaves that are tasty and used fresh in fish, salad, meats, and tea. Basil plants can also repel insects like mosquitoes and flies, making them a functional addition to your home.

    • Light: Full sun.
    • Water: Medium, regular watering.
    • Maintenance: Medium.

11. Dragon Tree

Dragon Tree

Also known as the Madagascar dragon tree, it is popular in homes and offices as a large potted plant. It has narrow leaves with edges and is thought to bring good luck in Feng Shui. The dragon tree is also known to remove toxins like xylene and trichloroethylene from the air.

    • Light: Full sun to bright, indirect light.
    • Water: Low.
    • Maintenance: Low.

12. Jade Plant

Jade Plant

A perfect indoor plant for the kitchen, with green leaves that are tasty and used fresh in fish, salad, meats, and tea. Basil plants can also repel insects like mosquitoes and flies, making them a functional addition to your home.

    • Light: Full sun.
    • Water: Medium, regular watering.
    • Maintenance: Medium.

13. Golden Barrel Cactus

Golden Barrel Cactus

A rare variety that has a large ball with golden yellow spines. It can grow up to 60cm tall and 90cm wide and is a disease-free indoor plant. Golden barrel cacti are also known for their ability to withstand extreme conditions, making them very resilient.

    • Light: Full sun, partial light.
    • Water: Low.
    • Maintenance: Low.

14. Echeveria


A large genus of flowering plants, they are fast-growing succulents known for their unique color. Echeverias produce stunning rosettes and can bloom with colorful flowers under the right conditions.

    • Light: Full sun.
    • Water: Weekly during summer and monthly during winter.
    • Maintenance: Low.

Choosing the right indoor plants that thrive in direct sunlight can transform your living space into a green oasis. Not only do these plants add beauty and charm to your home, but they also offer numerous health benefits, from purifying the air to enhancing your mood. By selecting from this list of sun-loving plants, you can ensure that your indoor garden will flourish, providing you with a vibrant and healthy environment. Remember to consider each plant’s specific care requirements to keep them thriving and enjoy the natural beauty they bring to your home.

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