You are currently viewing 6 common houseplant insects and their remedies

6 common houseplant insects and their remedies


Green, black, brown in colour. They sap sucking insects. They feed on soft leaves. They nest underside of the leaves and in stems. They lay white eggs and sticky substance. They attract ants.



  1. Use neem oil as organic pesticide
  2. Spraying of water can kill them
  3. Soapy water
  4. Killing by hand(squeeze them by finger )

White fly

Small, white tiny flying insects. They lay eggs under the leaves.

White fly
white flies on leaf


  1. Spray with insecticidal soap
  2. Use neem oil as organic pesticide
  3. Pickup the infected leaves
  4. Spraying off with water and then spraying the leaves with soap every 2 days until it is under control


They are tiny, slender insects with wings. White ,black ,yellow in colour. They are sap sucking insects.

Thrips(very small insect)


   1.Remove the affected leaves and spray insecticidal soap.

   2. Neem oil can be used.

   3. Yellow sticky traps can be used to reduce their infestation.

Mealy bugs

White in colour. Small soft bodied insects. 

Mealy bugs
Group of mealy bug on stem


1.Spray with insecticidal soap.

2. Wiping foliage regularly with a leaf shine solution with neem oil

3.Mixer of water and dish soap spraying.

Scale insects

Very small, sap feeding and grey coloured , dome shaped insects. They are immobile when they found a feeding site. They attract on stems.

Scale insects
Scale insects on the stem


  1. Spray with insecticidal soap.
  2. Use a insecticide pin
  3. Scraping the scales off with a wet towel cotton pad with rubbing alcohol and repeating that process for every two days.

Spider mites

They are a group of tiny sized insects. They create webbing beneath the leaves and stems.

Spider mites
Spider mites on leaf
Spider mites under leaf


  1. Spray alcohol on the plant.( 70% isopropyl alcohol is effective)
  2. Solution of mild dish soap and alcohol , water can be also a solution.

Beneficial or predatory  insects could be a great, eco-friendly and efficient insecticide alternative